Sympathies: Kilcummin GAA club wish to extend their sympathy to the family of Richie O’Callaghan formerly of Clounteens who passed away last week. A senior player from 1957 and the early sixties he was also club secretary in 1960/61 and played on the first ever Kilcummin u-14 team in 1954. May he rest in Peace.
Development Update: Progress continues unabated on the development and huge credit to volume of volunteers who have made this possible. Many have spent their Saturdays and evenings throughout the summer working on the project which is now nearing completion. The closing date for the “10 year membership” package, the upgrading package and the purchase of a Brick on the “wall of champions” is the end of this month and anyone who is considering these options should now approach a club officer. To those who have contributed in any way we say thank you and know you and your families will be delighted and appreciative of the finished product well into the future.
Kerry U-20’s: We wish Paul O Shea and his team mates the best of luck in the upcoming All Ireland Semi -Final against Galway next week.