Awards Night: We honoured some of our members over Christmas for their commitment and loyalty to the betterment of their club and community at a function in the club rooms as follows
Club Person of the Year: Denis Casey,
Merit Awards: Mike Teahan, Nessa Doolan, Michael O’Riordan and Tom O’Shea,
Senior Player: Michael O’Shea,
Junior Player: Oscar O’Connor
Life Time Award: Dermot Moynihan
Pink Night: The Ladies Committee charity Fund Raiser was a marvellous success on Saturday night January 6th raising a considerable sum of money for the Oncology Unit UHK. Firstly let us acknowledge the huge volume of unnoticed work that the ladies committee undertook to make this a success from acquiring generous sponsorship, advertising, making up the numerous hampers, decorating the Klub and selling tickets on the night. Secondly we should show our appreciation for the many, many sponsors who were so willing to play their part both for the spot prizes and door prizes and thirdly most importantly to the community at large who showed up on the night and supported this most deserving cause and the work of the ladies committee. Photos of the night are available on Facebook and website and the amount raised will be published later on with the handing over of the money.
GAA Development Fund: Deadline for participating in the development fund packages is 31st January. Anyone still interested should contact the Club Secretary Ciara on 0879133062 immediately.
AGM: Takes place this Friday at 8.30pm in the Clubhouse. Everyone is welcome members and non-members but it is important that people who have an interest in the club attend and get not only an update on progress but the clubs plans going forward. Looking forward to seeing you there and hearing your opinions.
Coaching Forum: A large crowd attended the first night of the clubs coaching forum co-ordinated by Terence Houlihan, Donal Daly and Eamonn O’Sullivan of the County Board it took the format of a workshop and some very interesting ideas were proposed. A follow up session will be organised in the near future and it is imperative that all coaches attend as the club aided by the county board will draw up a coaching structure for u-6 to senior as well as all ladies teams. This will be the blueprint going forward so now is the time to get involved.
East Kerry Awards Night: Congratulations to Brendan Kealy and John Lenihan who were recognised by the East Kerry Board last week and a special word of congratulations to Tim Ryan who completes his five year term as Chairman of the Board.